Looking for details of events, activities, and announcements at Faith?
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Sunday Worship Services

Attend Services Onsite and Online

8:00 AM | Traditional Service 
9:30 AM | Blended Service

Practicing the Way

Sunday Worship Message Series | February 23 - April 27

Join us as we explore nine ancient practices of the way of Jesus that promise to help root us in the faith and deepen our experience of God as we serve our world. When practiced regularly, these keystone habits can powerfully guide our journey of spiritual growth, creating a rule of life that helps us become more like Jesus, transformed into the people we were created to be.


Kids Ministry for Preschool-5th Grade Students

Sundays | 9:30 AM | Auditorium

Each month we explore a new virtue through creative storytelling and bible verses.  Add in some energizing worship and small group time to talk about how these virtues can apply to everyday life, you have KidWerks.  We would love to have you join us in the auditorium.


Student Ministry for Middle and High School Students

1st and 3rd Sundays | 5:00-6:30 PM | Onsite

The 2024-2025 season is now underway. Students, 6th-12th grade, are invited to join us on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at Faith, to participate in outrageous games, extraordinary worship, and engaging groups, growing as followers of Jesus.

Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Behold and Believe

by Courtney Doctor & Joanna Kimbrel

Tuesday | February 18 | 9:00-10:30 AM | Onsite at Faith

All women of Faith are invited to attend a study of the "I Am" statements of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of John.

1/7         I Am the Bread of Life
1/14      I Am the Light of the World
1/21      -- cancelled due to weather --
1/28      I Am the Door
2/4         First Aid Presentation
2/11      I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life
2/18      I Am the True Vine
2/25      Social Event (off-site)

The workbook is $10 and will be available at the meetings. For additional information, contact Sue Boozell at sue.boozell@discoveringfaith.com.

(click image for introductory video)

Adult Online Study Group (AOSG)

What Happens Next

by Max Lucado

Tuesday | February 18 | 7:00-8:15 PM | Online via Zoom

What Happens Next is an optimistic, accessible, and nonsensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven's time line that will empower you to face the future with faith. Max takes you on a well-researched examination of the essential milestones such as the rapture, the seven years of tribulation, and the glory of heaven. You will be encouraged to ponder God's promises for the future. "It's all about hope. It's all about him."

This 6-week video Bible study is facilitated by Becky Marchiando. The study group meets online via Zoom on Tuesday evenings January 21 through February 25 at 7:00 PM. Sign up online or at the welcome center so that we can send you Zoom credentials you'll need to participate. We'd love to have you join us!

Hesed House Serve Event

Wednesday | February 19 | 6:30-8:30 PM

Faith's next serving opportunity at Hesed House is February 19. We will need roughly 5 to 10 volunteers to help with meal setup, serving, and cleanup. Volunteers can conveniently signup online or at the welcome center. All that's needed is a serving heart. Sign up today! If you have questions about Faith's Hesed House ministry, please reach out to the ministry team at hesedhouse@discoveringfaith.com.

Men's Community Group

Saturday | February 22 | 8:00 AM

Meets fireside at Faith, the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.

In addition to coffee, great conversation, and fellowship, we typically are engaged in a spiritual study topic or video  discussion. Come join us!

Night of Faith

Saturday | February 22 | 6:00-9:00 PM | 21+ Event

Join us for a night of fellowship, fortune, and fun! You're invited to a night of food and drinks, silent and live auctions, and our Golden Ticket raffle drawing. Event tickets are $25/person or $40/couple. Adults only (21+ event).

Introducing the Night of Faith - Golden Raffle Extravaganza! Exotic cruise? Tropical vacation? That giant TV you’ve always wanted? Nah, we’re going with Cash! That’s right! This year, the Night of Faith Golden Ticket Raffle winner will receive cold, hard, cash! $2000 of it, in fact! Each raffle ticket is $100. While there are no limits to the number of $100 tickets any individual can purchase, WE WILL LIMIT total ticket sales to 60 tickets, maximizing your odds at scoring the $2000 golden prize. Buy 1, buy 2, heck, buy 10, and get in the game before they are gone!

Event and Golden tickets go on sale January 26. Purchase tickets online or at the church between Sunday services. Winner need not be present to win.

Ash Wednesday Services

Wednesday | March 5 | 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM | Onsite only

The first day of Lent is always a Wednesday. In ancient times, people marked times of fasting, prayer, and repentance by placing ashes on their foreheads. Today we do it as a reminder of who we are and what we are—forgiven sinners.

A Moment for Mom

Saturday | March 8 | 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Our next session will be Saturday, February 8, at 10:00 AM. Karen Supel will be with us speaking on "Speech and Language Milestones: Developing Communication Skills". You won't want to miss it!

Our moms group here at Faith, A Moment for Mom, has a delicious breakfast and amazing speakers on topics relating to motherhood. We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month through May 2025. We offer affordable childcare while you attend. Our website is up and ready for you to explore our speakers and cost for the 2024-2025 year. Come join other moms of kiddos ages  0-10, to laugh, learn and connect.

Register today and/or reach out to us for more information at www.discoveringfaith.com/amomentformom.

Cub Scout Pack 643

Music Bingo Fundraiser!

Saturday | March 8 | 7:00-9:00 PM | Faith Lutheran Church | 21+ Event

Bring your friends and family to this fun, musical, fundraising event hosted by Pack 643! Our Faith Lutheran Church Cub Scout Pack 643 is hosting their 1st annual Rockstar Bingo fundraiser. When bingo, and music come together, everyone wins!  A silent auction, prizes after each round, your own pizza and snacks, bottled water, and a 50/50 make it a winning night for everyone! This is a perfect date night, parents’ night out, or fun night with co-workers! Beyond water, it's BYOB.

Game will be played in pairs. No singles.  Event tickets are $50 per pair. Purchase online soon! Last day of online ticket sales is Sunday, February 23. There will be no ticket sales at the door. Prepurchase required for admittance. Adults only (21+) event.

Midweek Lent Meal and Worship

Wednesdays | March 12 - April 9

Meal | 6:30 PM

Worship | 7:15 PM

Each Lenten season we provide a fellowship opportunity for people of faith to gather around a table and share a meal at 6:30 PM.  This meal is intended to be simple and provide some time for us to slow down and care for one another. Everyone who attends shares in the responsibility of providing different components for the meal.  Volunteers sign up each week to provide a gallon of soup for the evening.  The remainder of the attendees provide either bread or cookies.  Beverages and table service will be provided. The Lenten Meal will be offered at 6:30 PM on Wednesdays: 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, and 4/9.  Our worship series begins after this fellowship time at 7:15 PM. Sign up at the welcome center or online.

Midweek Lent Worship Message Series

In a world that is constantly changing, that is full of questions and uncertainties, can we find something solid to hang on to, something that will give the security we long for? Jesus gives an answer—in His own words. He is the “I Am!” When we are in darkness, He says, “I Am Light.” When we are lost, He declares, “I Am Your Good Shepherd.” When we have no way to get through our crisis, He invites, “I Am the Door.”  Join us as we discover who Jesus is, and who we can become.

Egg Stuffing Party

Wednesdays | March 12, 19, 26 | 7:30-9:00 PM

Come join the fun and help make our egg drop a huge success. Volunteers are needed to stuff eggs. We will be having an Egg Stuffing Party in the cafe on Wednesday evenings 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 ,7:30-9:00 PM. Come join the fun! For more information contact the church office.

Candy Donations Needed!!

Individually wrapped bite size candy donations are needed to fill our 15,000 eggs!  If you are able to donate some bags of candy, please drop them off at the welcome center.

St Patrick's Day Party at Faith

Saturday | March 15 | 21+ Event

Great food, Irish dancers, bag pipes, and so much more! Wear your favorite Irish green! Sign up at welcome center or online. Tickets are $25/person or $45/couple if purchased through 3/13. Tickets purchased on or after 3/14 are $35/person or $55/couple. This is a 21+ event. Invite your friends and neighbors!


Explore Next Steps for Your Faith Journey

Sunday | March 16 | 9:00 & 10:30 AM

If you've ever wondered how to get involved at Faith, or how to take the next step, don't worry.  We've created a simple next step for you.  It's a small gathering we call NEXT.  This informal gathering lasts only about 20 minutes.  It will provide you an overview of our mission, strategy, and environments to help you determine your best next step for continuing your faith journey.  Meets fireside at the church after each service.

Holy Week Worship Services

Palm Sunday | April 13  | 8:00, 9:30 AM

Maundy Thursday | April 17 | 7:00 PM

Good Friday | April 18 | 12:00 (onsite only), 7:00 PM

Easter Sunday | April 20 | 6:30 (onsite only), 8:00, 9:30 AM

Join us as we experience the the love of our passionate God as we journey from Palm Sunday to the empty tomb of Easter.  Services will be available onsite and online, unless noted otherwise.