Worship Ministry

Welcome to the Worship Ministry. We’re so glad you are exploring using your gifts in one of our many ministry opportunities.

The goal of Worship is to glorify God, and to magnify His name. Worship is about Sunday mornings, and a whole lot more. Have you ever considered that we can magnify God in everything we do? It’s all about the attitude of the heart. If you choose to take part in Worship ministry, we are confident you’ll find new dimensions in your personal growth as well, and ways to fulfill God’s purposes for you.
Look over our offerings and ask God if there’s a perfect spot here for you. We hope you’ll find exactly what He wants you doing. At Faith, we believe “blessed to be a blessing” is a responsibility we all have!

If you have any questions about Worship Ministry, please contact us (630) 862-3500 or office@discoveringfaith.com

Serving Opportunities

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Click below if you know what you're interested in and want to take the next step in your ministry journey at Faith.

Worship Coordinator


We seek to help the worship service run smoothly so that the congregation may experience a worshipful environment free from distractions. In partnership with worship leaders we assist Sunday morning volunteers, make sure resources are available and “troubleshoot” problems when necessary.


To enhance our worship of God.

Involvement Time

Sunday morning – 20 minutes prior to service. You can serve during the service you attend.


Jean Lawlor
Phone:  (630) 862-3500
Email:  jean.lawlor@discoveringfaith.com

Assisting Minister


We assist the pastor during the service with the liturgy, communion, offering and in whatever he needs. We get to wear a lovely white robe over our clothes to perform these duties. We also get to greet people with the Pastor after the service. This group of men and women can choose to sing or speak the liturgy as they feel comfortable. Training is provided.


To provide an opportunity for people to help make Sunday morning service run smoothly and to help the pastor guide the congregation through the service.

Involvement Time

One hour on Sunday morning during the service.


Jean Lawlor
Phone:  (630) 862-3500
Email:  jean.lawlor@discoveringfaith.com

Alter Care


We prepare the elements for holy communion.


To serve the elements to our Faith family, by serving the wine/juice (the blood of Christ) and the bread (the body of Christ). Training is provided.

Involvement Time

Sunday mornings – 30 minutes before worship. Usually 1 Sunday per month.


Phone:  (630) 862-3500
Email:  altercare@discoveringfaith.com



We read the lessons on Sunday morning during the service. They are usually typed into large print for us to use as we stand in the front and read. This group of men, women and young adults are a valuable asset to Sunday service.


To use our voice to proclaim the word of the Bible on Sunday mornings.

Involvement Time

5 to 10 minutes on Sunday morning during the service.


Phone:  (630) 862-3500
Email:  office@discoveringfaith.com

Communion Assistant


We help serve communion on Sunday mornings during the church service. We help the Pastor, Assisting Minister, and Acolyte with communion by holding the tray of communion cups during that part of the service. At the end of communion we help put the tray back with the unused ones. This group of men and women are an important part of the communion sacrament.


To share the joy of communion by making it convenient and meaningful for the congregation.

Involvement Time

About 20 minutes on Sunday mornings during service.


Anne Boten
Phone:  (630) 862-3500
Email:  communioncoordinator@discoveringfaith.com



Ushers serve at the worship service of their choice by helping with the following responsibilities:

  • Greeting and giving out bulletins
  • Taking the offering
  • Helping members and guests
  • Assisting with any problems members or guests may have

Those serving as ushers enjoy fellowship with each other, our Faith family and all guests.


To provide a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for all members and guests of Faith and to provide any assistance necessary as they worship with us during our weekend services.

Involvement Time

20 minutes prior to a service. You may serve at the service that you attend.


Roger Schnorr
Phone:  (630) 862-3500
Email:  ushercoordinator@discoveringfaith.com

Media Volunteer


Volunteers in this ministry run the media during our Sunday services. Familiarity with computers is a benefit but not required. Training is provided.


To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through media.

Involvement Time

Sunday morning during service.


Matt Clemm
Phone:  (630) 862-3500
Email:  mediacoordinator@discoveringfaith.com