Message Series | July 12 - August 16

Do you want to be a more hopeful person? Want to learn how to seek and find hope, or where hope comes from? Join us on a journey towards hope.

Additional Resources

The Way of Hope is an invitation to put our current message series into practice.  For six weeks, Pastor Rob will point us to the truth that Hope Has a Name and that name is Jesus.

To be better hope-ers and hope-bringers we can’t just learn about hope.  We need to practice hope.  We want to do this together as a church family.  Here’s how it will work.
Weekly Spiritual Practice
Each Monday we will post a new practice for you to lean into that week.  Surrender,  Confession,  Everyday,  Trials,  Accountability,  Prayer, and Serving.  The weekly practice will include daily prompts to put the practice into action.
Do it Together
During this time of isolation we need connection more than ever.  Do it with your housemates, workmates, or people you enjoy, or join one of our online community groups and get plugged in.
Ask for Prayer
Let people know you are taking some steps to grow in following Jesus and you need their prayer.  We want to pray for you too.