Follow the Leader

Sunday Worship Message Series | September 10 - October 29

Do you ever feel like the Christian life is a long game of "Jesus Says"? Jesus says pray. Jesus says give. Jesus says to go to church. However, Jesus' invitation to his first-century audience was really an invitation to relationship. It began with a simple request---follow me. Join us for this transformational journey through the book of Colossians as we trace Paul’s teaching on what it means to follow the leader and prepare to see your faith radically changed.

Study Resources

The Bible is central to following Jesus and the practice of humble and thoughtful Bible study is crucial to our journey of faith.

To that end, these resources will help you both study the Bible and take a deep dive study into the book of Colossians.

Additional Study Resources

This guide is intended to help us as we study Colossians together as a church. It is also a resource for ongoing Bible study as individuals and in community. This is not a perfect or exhaustive list of resources but it’s a place to start.

Reading and Studying the Bible

Why is the Bible Reliable?   (5:30 minute video)
Introduction to the Bible   (4 short videos)
Overview of the Old Testament   (12 minute video)
How to Read the New Testament Letters   (podcast)
Colossians is a New Testament Letter. This is a great place to start as you study this book.
How to Read the Bible   (collection of short videos)

Commentaries on Colossians

Paul: The Prison Letters (For Everyone Series), NT Wright   (book)
A short and accessible commentary that is also very devotional.
Colossians and Philemon (Tyndale New Testament Commentary), NT Wright   (book)
More of an academic commentary but shorter than most academic handlings of this book.
The Letter to the Colossians (New International Commentary on the New Testament), Scot McKnight   (book)
A more academic commentary and longer than the one above.